Featured Match

Little Brother Alex & Big Brother Eric have been matched since December 2015 (Site Based/School Buddies)

Alex and Eric really hit it off right away. At their first match up they tried to put a puzzle together but they ran out of time. Big Brother Eric completely understood from the beginning why they need their own space when they meet. When Eric would go into the lunch room all the kids wanted to talk to him. Alex and Eric are very grateful for their one on one t

ime they get to spend in the school office. Alex is always excited about how wonderful their visits go and can’t wait to see him the following week. Other activities they like to do on Alex’s lunch break is chess, checkers, Legos, Uno and Connect 4. Eric explained to us that Alex is only able to play the fun games after the educational games and/or his homework are completed.

Since the match up Big Brother Eric discovered that Little Brother Alex is struggling with some behavior problems. Eric is very eager to talk out these issues with Alex and help him in any way he can. One of the fun ways Eric has helped Alex with his behavior is to create motivation with chicken nuggets.  Little Brother Alex receives an award for his good behavior. Alex struggles with reading. Eric doesn’t think anyone reads with Alex at home. Eric doesn’t think Alex’s mom is in the picture anymore. Eric helps Alex with his reading and has made a difference in Alex’s grades and outlook on life just by being there for him and helping him with his schoolwork.

The dedication Eric has for this match goes beyond expectations. Last month (February 2018) Eric was out of commission due to a surgery he had. Eric didn’t want Alex to go without a Lunch Buddy so he was able to find another Big Brother in the community to send in his place!

When our Match Support Specialist asked Alex to describe his Big to her he simply said “we like the same things, same super heroes and math. We can talk about anything!” Eric was asked if the relationship is progressing like he hoped and his response was “Yes, I really enjoy the time we get together and I think he is a fantastic kid. He reminds me of myself at that age so I can relate and think he has a lot going for himself.”