Big Sister Journey & Little Sister Aaliyah

Meet Big Sister Journey and Little Sister Aaliyah who have been matched 6 years now!
Big Sister Journey and Little Sister Aaliyah first met in June 2018 and have been matched ever since.
The Start of Their Sisterhood
Although neither Journey nor Aaliyah can remember where or what they did when they first met, both know that it kicked off years of friendship with many adventures and milestones in between.
Journey applied to Big Brothers Big Sisters after seeing a friend’s experience with the program and realizing that she had something to offer.
“I think it’s so beneficial because as much as we love our parents, having another adult is so important. It is a safe space. It is a judgement-free zone,” said Journey. “And there’s so much more love. I am forever grateful.”
Although she was a bit nervous, she believed it was bound to work out, saying, “I think that the Big Brothers Big Sisters program does a good job at matching you with who your personalities and interests mesh.”
Aaliyah, 6 years old at the time, was excited to get a Big Sister, especially as the oldest child in her own family. She had some goals for when she got a big sister too: having a good experience, having fun, and meeting new people. Luckily, she would accomplish all three!
Many Match Adventures
Before meeting her Big Sister, Aaliyah describes her life as “boring.” But that would soon change. One of Aaliyah’s favorite parts of having a Big Sister is all the new experiences they’ve enjoyed together. In fact, she says this is why she recommends the program to other kids.

“They get to go places that they haven’t been before. They wouldn’t be bored or anything. They could have someone to hang out with,” said Aaliyah.
Their adventures include many trips to the pool, Match Activities, movie outings, the farmer’s market, and whatever fun Fort Wayne events come their way.
Out of her favorite things that they have done together, Aaliyah says that her favorite has been go-karting, but anytime with Journey is fun.
After being matched for 6 years, this match has a lot of memories together.
For Journey, one of her favorite memories started at a cooking class they attended. While Aaliyah is known for her good cooking, Journey says her skills are not quite as good. The end result was a pan of burnt food and a whole lot of laughter!

“We were laughing. I am not a cook. Aayliah is a good one though! She is teaching me now,” said Journey.
“Yeah, that didn’t really go well,” added Aaliyah.
Aaliyah’s favorite memory started with a question from Journey: “Will you be in my wedding?”
Of course, Aaliyah said ‘yes,’ and it has become a treasured moment in her match with Journey.
“It was the first wedding that I’ve been in,” shared Aaliyah. “So, it was a really good experience, and it was really fun.”
Lessons and Learning
Mentorship is a unique experience in that you learn things along the way while you are hanging out.
Journey believes that having a Little Sister has strengthened her accountability and has given her extra responsibility:
“I think when you know that you have someone who looks up to you, it changes the way you want to act. I would say I’m a lot more aware of how I carry myself. I also want to be a better person because of her.”

“I have learned a lot about myself and the type of person I’d like to be. I think sometimes we forget the things kids see, hear, do, and a lot of that has to do with us. I have really enjoyed getting to (hopefully) set the right example for her,” she continued.
For Aaliyah, she believes Journey has inspired her “to do things” and go to places that she has never gone before. Over their many adventures together, Aaliyah says she has had so many new experiences and feels that she has a newfound adventurous attitude.
Their Future as Family
Now, Journey and Aaliyah see each other as family and know that they will always be cheering for one another as sisters.
“Well, I know her husband, and I know her mom. I know a lot of her friends, and I like that I’m really involved with that,” said Aaliyah.

“I find myself full of pride saying that I have a Little Sister. She has met my friends, family, was in our wedding. She is a part of our family,” Journey agreed.
“We’re close. We see each other when we can. We celebrate with each other. We are there when each other is hurting. We’re family.”
Both agree that although their lives are changing as Aaliyah enters seventh grade, some things will stay the same: being sisters and supporting each other.
Aaliyah said, “I think we will do more things and experience more things together.”
“She’ll probably help me with my math a lot,” she added.
Aaliyah’s school goals include getting good grades, continuing dance, and eventually going to a good college. Considering she made honor roll this past year, she’s off to a great start! And she knows Journey will be there along the way, as she has already been supportive of her school life: helping her with math, attending her soccer games, and going to her graduations.
“The person she is becoming is a person I am so excited to get to know. She is changing into a young woman, and although it is tough out there as a teenager, she’ll always have me right there beside her,” Journey proclaimed.
Be an Everyday Hero!
Mentorship allows children to get out of the house, try new things, and have new experiences (all essential!) while also giving them someone that they feel safe with and supported by. However, becoming a mentor also gives the adult a newfound confidence, a good-feeling responsibility, and a role to play in shaping the next generation.
Don’t believe us? Take it from Journey:
“These kids who are waiting for Bigs are our future. They need people to inspire them, to show them the way, and it’s honestly been so fun. It’s an experience that I’ve gotten far more out of than I ever imagined. You will be impacted in more ways than you’ll ever realize.”
Will you take the challenge of becoming an Everyday Hero?
Wanting to make a difference? Learn more about volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters here. Wanting to take the next step? Start the application process here.